What I’m Watching

It’s been sooooooo cold lately…and just in case you’re wondering, it’s been in the high 60s/low 70s.  Haha!!!  Hey, that’s cold in my standards!!!  I live in tropical weather 🙂  Whenever it’s cold I always think about snuggling in my bed or on my couch (for those of you that haven’t seen my couch it’s just divine and like a big bed) and watching movies or TV.  I don’t always have time to watch shows when they air, but I can always catch up with them on Hulu or On Demand.  There are sooooooooo many new shows out this year.  Here are some of my faves—some are new and some have been around but I just started watching them.  I really hope they don’t cancel them LOL!!!

What have you been watching lately?!?!


Lee Ann - March 4, 2013 - 9:43 pm

I love Downton Abbey and Nashville!

Tira J - February 25, 2013 - 9:47 am

Ah! So much fun! Our DVR’s pretty much match with the exception of a few shows. Love Downton, Nashville, Scandal. Oh My with Downton!

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