Do you remember this little man from his newborn session that I photographed? He had recently celebrated his first birthday and we had gathered on a hot, muggy Hawaiian morning to commemorate his turning ONE!!! Doesn’t he have the most adorable little smile—it just melts my heart. And how about his big brother Connor—do you remember him too? I also had the wonderful opportunity to photograph him when he was a newborn and when he turned one year old. I just love that I have been blessed with watching these two cuties grow up in front of my lens—I’m a lucky girl 🙂
Do you remember the traditional Mexican outfit that Connor wore for his one-year-old session? Here is Logan wearing it too. I just LOVE this idea. Each male in their family, on their mommy’s side, has had their photograph taken at one year old wearing this same outfit. It is such a great idea!!! Mr. Logan kept the hat on longer too=I was able to capture an image of him looking directly at me and smiling too—yay!!! Jackpot!!!
Thank you Mike and Emily for providing me with another opportunity to photograph your little munchkins and your beautiful family. I seriously enjoy my time working with all of you and creating lifetime memories for you to treasure for always. I wish you all the best in 2015!!!
Be sure to check out the slideshow at the end of this post 🙂

These are beautiful family photos! Such a happy family!! You’re an amazing family photographer in Oahu, Hawaii!