Do you remember this little pirate?!?! Well here he is all grown up at one-year old!!! Can you believe how quickly time flies?!?! It’s always so fun to see little ones again and marvel at how much they’ve grown in the past year. Connor is one of the happiest little guys I’ve photographed. It was an afternoon session, but he was well rested and ready to flash those adorable smiles at me all session long 🙂 He did such a great job!!!
Check him out in his traditional Mexican outfit…it’s a family heirloom and each male in his family has been photographed in this exact outfit at one year old. How fun is that and what a fabulous tradition to have in your family 🙂 Connor wasn’t too thrilled to wear the hat, but I’m so happy that we captured at least one image of him wearing the hat before he took it off—as you can see it turned into a fun game for him…Daddy puts it on and Connor takes it off 🙂
His mama, Emily was expecting their second baby soon. Connor would be a big brother to a brand new brother 🙂 Check out that next blog post to meet his little brother 🙂 Thank you to Emily, Mike and Connor for another fun and fabulous session!!! I am so honored that you chose me to work with your family for a second time 🙂 I am so excited to share these fabulous images with you all…enjoy!!!
Be sure to check out the slideshow at the end of this post 🙂

To view more images from Connor’s one-year old session, please click HERE FOR A SLIDESHOW!!!