I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again, Hawaii has thee cutest newborn babes around and I am blessed because I get to photograph them!!! Hey world, welcome Tyler. Look at that full head of hair on him—simply adorable. And those lips—to die for right?!?! He is such a handsome little man. I had the pleasure of photographing his big brother Ryan as a newborn too. Aren’t they just the cutest together? I just adore the image of the two of them together 🙂
Fun Fact: Ryan started the “football” trend at Mindy Metivier Photography. He was my first babe to be photographed with a football and once other clients saw his image, it soon became one of my most popular requests 🙂 We of course had to photograph little brother Tyler with the same University of Washington football too!!! Gooooooo Huskies!!! 🙂
Thank you Micah, Karen, Ryan and Tyler for another amazing session together. It was such a pleasure to see you all again, catch up, see how much Ryan has grown since I last saw him and meet your precious babe Tyler. I hope all is well—take care and have a blessed 2015!!!
Be sure to check out the slideshow at the end of this post 🙂