I know I always say it…but seriously where does the time go?!?! It seems like just yesterday that we were all waiting for this little babe to be born. Last Fall he made his arrival into this world and now he recently turned 6 months old!!! Watching these little ones grow from fresh, small newborn babes into mobile, active and adorable beings makes my heart happy. Their growth and changes still amaze me…and I feel so blessed that I get to capture it all in timeless memories for their families!!!
This was Xyler as a newborn. Many of you might remember him because he was the first newborn babe that I was able to successfully get into the Froggy pose. I am proud to say that after Xyler, I have been able to get every single newborn I’ve photographed into the Froggy pose!!! Yippee!!!
At 6-months old this little babe was such a smiley and happy little thing. He was starting to sit-up on his own for short periods of time. In all the images below, his mama was sitting within arms-length to catch him when he started to lose balance and tip over. He was also doing tummy time very well. He could hold himself up, coo and smile. He was such a ham to photograph. He especially smiled a lot with his green monster hat on—it was too funny!!! We think it’s because he could see his reflection in my lens…he just cracked up at himself!!!
Thank you Erika and Xyler for a fun morning!!! We captured lots of smiles and wonderful memories!!! Can’t wait for his next photo session—before we know it, it’ll be here!!!
To view more images of Xyler’s session, please CLICK HERE FOR A SLIDESHOW!!!