Little Royson is back!!! Do you remember this little man?!?! He came to see me…walking, talking, screaming with joy and laughter, running and having a good old time 🙂 He wasn’t too interested with me at the beginning of the session, but by the end of the session he was all smiles. He discovered a little hill that he could walk up and run down over and over again. He wanted us to watch him, laugh, clap and for Aunty Mindy to photograph him over and over again 🙂
Can you tell that Royson LOVES working in the yard with his Papa?!?! He brought his little rake to show me how much he loves cleaning and working in the yard. He raked up some sand and some leaves…what a fabulous little helper he is!!! His Papa is so lucky 🙂 Hey Royson do you wanna come and work in Aunty’s yard?!?! I have lots of leaves 🙂
A big THANK YOU to Royson’s mommy and daddy, Kelsy and Bronson, for coming out and playing with me so that I could capture these fabulous memories for your beautiful family!!! Thank you to Royson who was such a good sport and for playing with Aunty Mindy too!!! I had loads of fun 🙂 Enjoy your images!!!
Be sure to check out the slideshow at the end of this post 🙂

To view more images from Royson’s session, please click HERE FOR A SLIDESHOW!!!